Friday, 1 August 2008

Attempt to tell the boy: Part 2

The boy and I were snuggling this morning. We have this wee thing where I tell him he's nobody's baby but mammy's baby and then he tells me I'm nobody's mamma but his mamma.
So there I was telling him, well if mammy had another baby she would be that baby's mammy too.
He nodded.
"Yes mammy, my baby brother would be your baby too. Or my sister. I'd like a sister."
"Would you Joseph, would you like it if mammy got a wee baby in her tummy?"
He thought for a moment and snuggled in close. I prepared myself for unique mother/ son bonding moment. Maybe he would kiss my tummy and tell the wee pip inside he loved it.
"I think," he started, "I would like a pet instead. A kitten. Yes, I'd like a kitten."

I think I'm going to drop the subject for a while.


Katherine said...

Just about piched myself laughing at this and there is no excuse for my pelvic floor! My wee Godson is about to get a brother/sister in 3 weeks and is convinced that it's a girl and that Mummy will call her PC plum!!!
SO glad to be reading this:) x

Katherine said...

for piched read pished!

Lorna said...

Lol bless him, that's so funny :-) x