Sunday 3 August 2008

So the "wobbly tummy" has a name

In the interests of giving this child a cutesy name to bring it through the pregnancy months, Joseph decided today that the baby in mummy's tum should be called Bam Bam.
DH, who is desperate for a daughter (something which is actually getting on my sore boobies beacuse I was psycho in my first pregnancy about the gender and I'm trying to be chilled out now), tried to persuade him to change it to Pebbles. But he wasn't budging.
My younger sister tried to get me to call it Shrimpy as when I had a scan at the start of the week it did look rather shrimp like - but given my pathological fear of anything seafood related and indeed my ability to puke a little into my mouth at the very thought of fish at the moment I politely declined. *
So Bam Bam it is.
And Bam Bam has been making me very sick today and tired. I keep telling myself I'm almost 9 weeks amd hopefully in about three weeks this stage will have passed and I'll be able to get through the day without making a weird mooing, wretching noise as I try not to be sick.

Morning sickness survival kit for this week includes, chicken noodle soup, TUC crackers (Thanks Keris), oven chips and coleslaw. A weird and wonderful combination I know and the fecker of it is tomorrow I could look at any/ all of those items and feel ill.
Still three weeks to the second trimester... 21 more sleeps.

* I say politely, it was more along the lines of a "If you don't stop f*cking stop f*cking talking about f*cking fish, I'll f*cking kill you".

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