Saturday 2 August 2008

I have a belly buddy

Except hers is much, much neater and smaller than mine - cow! She actually looks pregnant and not just fattastic like myself.
She is my lovely friend N (not sure how she would feel being revealed all over t'interweb) but I went to see her tonight and we talked about all things baby related - except of course "meeting our babies". I think we are both in denial about that.
The thing is though that N has a lovely, gorgeous and shockingly well behaved little boy, F, who just over a year old. He's just finding his feet and was tootering about, smiling, in his wee babygro and his wee nappy bum making gorgeous baby noises.
And I felt it - that first flutter of excitement.
So much has happened already in this pregnancy that I've just not allowed myself to get gooey, or think of names, or even spend much time rubbing my tummy. But after spending some time with F tonight I felt so blessed.
I'm gonna get me one of those - one of those gorgeous innocent new wee creatures who bring so much love and joy to your life and who you get to love unconditionally. That kind of rocks.

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