Tuesday, 4 November 2008

That tug of love feeling

In about 18 weeks I'll have a new baby.
And boy am I going to miss the one on one time I have with my boy.
For almost five years now we've been a wee team. As a family unit (him, hubby and me) we've worked together quite nicely. But mostly it has been me and J - the dynamic duo - who have done everything together.
I don't go shopping without him. I don't sleep a night in my bed without him. I rarely go to the loo without him. Wherever I am, there he is.
But soon there's going to be another presence in our lives and I'm scared about what it will mean for him and me.
I'm told there will be enough love to share - I hope so. For J's sake and for Bam Bam's sake.
But it's going to be tough.

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